Monday, February 24, 2014


The Olympics are over :(

But Canada, as there was any doubt, kicked ass.
And one truly genuine one:

I have to say, the one thing that bothers me is that yes we won gold in mens' hockey and  I do see that mens hockey is the biggest event for us Canadians, I mean our premiere in Alberta changed liquor laws for the day - just so we could watch hockey in a bar at 5am with a beer in hand, but we also won gold and silver and bronze in a ton of other events too. Don't undermine them by only praising the men's hockey team and forgetting all those other events too!

Here's to all the Canadian athletes who made us proud!

Now a pic overload of some Olympic photos:

Check out Buzzfeeds link for more:

John Fairbairn of Canada practices before the Opening Ceremonies.
Shane Dobbin of New Zealand competes in the Men's 10000m Speedskating event.
Shaun White of the United States crashes in the Snowboard Men's Halfpipe finals.

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