Friday, March 7, 2014

Protein Shakes and Suits

Well after a little bit of a hiatus from writing on here,  I decided to give it a go again. Well.. not really, just haven't really had a chance to actually sit down and write. Re-training a person at work and getting transferred to another area has been taking up my time.

I finally got back into the working out stuff. Kinda took a little break from that too. The main reason was that I was going to do this GM 7 Day Diet.  It looks easy enough. But its not. I barely made it through Day 2. I am kind of mad at my self for giving in so easily, maybe I will try it again, but probably not.  After day 1- which is based on fruit alone I was so cranky and light headed that I had to go to bed early just to not think about the hunger in my stomach. This wasn't fun. Day 2 was veggies day, which is a bit better because you can load of on salad, but when one of my co-worker brought me coffee and a bagel, I just had to say yes. I mean, its rude to refuse free food because you are doing a'diet/cleanse'.  Am I right?

I went to bootcamp on Wednesday, and it nearly killed me and my sister. I enjoy it a lot but I just can't grasp choreography moves, so when I have to square, lift, jump... my mind is like.............................. (thats blank).  Great to get back into it though. Yesterday brought me back to my Blogilates calendar, and today I introduced a Bodyrock 7 Day challenge.  Go me!  nd now I am drinking delicious vanilla protein shake and watching Suits. My hubby would be so proud.  Not with the protein shake, but with the Suits watching.

What else is happening, well we are babysitting a hot tub for year and we are hopefully getting it set up today! Wooo, all these sore muscles I am making will have a great relief.

Well thats my life lately.... heres to the freakin weekend!

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