Friday, July 18, 2014

Love Summer

Summer is halfway over.

But instead of crying over it, I was seeing that a lot of fellow bloggers were writing things that they loved about summer.  So, as I'm a follower and not a leader, I decided to do the same.

Things I LOVE about summer!

TANNING this goes hand in hand with another thing I love, the HOT COLD TUBS. It wasn't so long ago that I came up with the best idea ever. The cold tub. Your welcome.

CAMPING. Yup. Just to get out of the city every once in a while to relax. No Fucks given for a weekend. Yup. Love summer for this.

 It's STAMPEDE time. Or it was in early July. I know, I know. A lot of Calgarians hate this time of year, but really wearing jeans to work for a week, and not really working during that time is a plus. Plus I love the rodeo and just the atmosphere the city has. Not carnies though. Still don't like them.

And flip flops. Sandles. Shorts. Summer dresses. Yup. I just love the summer fashions. 

Yup. Love summer.

funny jokes 131 Its Monday, you could use some jokes (15 photos)

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