Thursday, October 23, 2014

Party Games by R.L Stine - Book Review

Figured this was an appropriate book to review before Halloween. The return of R.L.Stine and his Fear Street series.

Party Games: A Fear Street Novel

Her friends warn her not to go to Brendan Fear's birthday party at his family's estate on mysterious Fear Island. But Rachel Martin has a crush on Brendan and is excited to be invited. Brendan has a lot of party games planned. But one game no one planned intrudes on his party—the game of murder. As the guests start dying one by one, Rachel realizes to her horror that she and the other teenagers are trapped on the tiny island with someone who may want to kill them all. How to escape this deadly game? Rachel doesn't know whom she can trust. She should have realized that nothing is as it seems… on Fear Island.- goodreads

And well... I have to say the 12 year old in me who loved Fear Street was a little disappointed. Granted I have matured quite a bit with my reading skill level, I just hoped that the nostalgia would carry me through it. It did, but not really.

Rachel has a crush on Brendan. Brendan invites her to a party on an island. Her friends warn her not to go.  Rachel goes. Within minutes of getting off the boat to the island, someone is hurt, most likely dead. That's when my spidey senses woulda been, you know lets head back to the mainland where there is a hospital, not oh well...hopefully my party will get better? But... Brendan likes games. He wants all of his parties to feature somethign that everyone will remember. The injured boat driver apparently is not enough.

Enter game. Enter all the spooky, scary, death stuff that one comes to know with reading Fear Street.

I am glad that R.L. Sitne is back, if only that the younger generation can now get the shit scared out of them. Although, maybe they should stick to the older books....

3 stars... for nostalgia

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