Wednesday, May 7, 2014

WWW Wednesday.

mc random 3215 Morning coffee (39 photos)
Oh ya, know just a moose and a bear having a steaming cup of coffee. 
I just really liked this grafitti art.
Decided to do a WWW today.
WWW is hosted by Should Be Reading and it is a weekly meme that asks these 3 questions:
Atonement1) What are you currently reading?
2) What did you recently finish reading?
3)What do you think you’ll read next?
End of the Innocence (Innocence, #3)
1) I am currently reading Atonement by Ian McEwan. I'm not sure why but I just can't get into it. G asked me what it was about, and at about 150 pages in, I couldn't tell him. Like, a storywriter and a girl who jumped in a fountain...?
2) I recently finished reading End of the Innocence by Alessandra Torre. It was the last installement of the Innocence series,and it was probably the best one. A full review will be coming later this week.
3) I think I"m going to crack down and finish my netgalley lists. I'm thinking Blow by Jodi Lundgren or The Possibilites by Kaui Hart Hemmings. I really enjoyed the Descandants so, looking foward to Hemming's newest book. As for Blow, its taken place in Red Deer, a city not far from where I live.
The Possibilities: A Novel  Blow

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