Tuesday, February 11, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: The Undiscovered Goddess by Michelle Colston

The Undiscovered Goddess

 Who knew a Cosmo quiz and a bottle of wine could change a woman’s life?
Holly, housewife and frazzled mother of three, is determined to discredit the lackluster result of a Cosmopolitan magazine quiz. After buying a workbook geared toward helping her find her inner goddess, Holly sets off on a year of self-discovery, journaling through each exercise as she goes. Facing inner demons, yoga, an explosive colon cleanse and REALLY spicy curry, the lessons are hard on her emotions, not to mention her digestive system. But does she succeed in the end? Beyond the superficial, what important lesson does Holly’s inner goddess have the power to teach her…and what can Holly teach you - goodreads

(received by netgalley in exchange for an honest review)

I requested this book based on the cover alone. It spoke to me. Then because it seemed like a pretty good read based on the synopsis- I mean, who doesn't like Cosmo?

That being said I give this book 3.5 stars, almost a 4.

When I first started reading I have to admit I was very confused. Was this a self-help book?  Did they mislead me? So I had to keep reading the synopsis to make sure I wasn't crazy (in this instance at least). I found out that it wasn't and after a few chapters the novel got out of reading like one.

 Then I started to really enjoy it.

Holly is a character that anyone can relate too. She is a frazzled stay-at-home mom, who has been trying to do some soul searching, as is evident with her obsession of buying self-help books. ENTER the Undiscovered Goddess.   Holly goes through each chapter of the book, trying out and writing about the obstacles she faces. She is fully sarcastic, drinks a lot, tried out ridiculous cleanses and fads (basically is me minus the kids) which is translated in her journal entries.  

So while it is not a self-help book per se, you could definitely use it as one. And maybe because it is written in a chick-lit (I know...I know... that term) you will find it helpful. As I was reading through each step that Holly was presented with, I kept thinking about how I would attack each part, making me want to find my inner goddess as well.  I do recommend it for anyone looking for a quick, funny read. Or anyone who needs a little help disovering their inner goddess without buying a real self-help book.

 Also, this book made me realize I really need to get back into yoga. I only really started last year for a couple months. Then stopped ( I blame Christmas). However, I remember the complete zen feeling I had while doing it.

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